Tag Archives: Sports Medicine

Knee Injuries in Sports: How does Early Physical Therapy Help?

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC   Knee Injuries in Sports: How does Early Physical Therapy Help? By Dr. John R. Mishock   In the US, 7 million knee injuries present to emergency rooms every year following sports-related injuries. Studies show that 15-40% of sports-related injuries occur at the knee. Anterior Cruciate ligament […]

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard?

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard? By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC  In baseball, it is often said that the pitcher has a strong arm. However, this phrase is a misnomer. Research clearly shows that the arm musculature (hand, forearm, and arm) contributes only about 20-25% of throwing velocity. (Gretchen […]

Sports Injury Prevention: What are the benefits of single-limb exercise vs. bilateral exercise?

Single-limb exercises mean that the individual moves with one limb vs. two limbs—for example, a single-arm curl vs. a double-arm curl. There are many advantages to unilateral exercise training that I will highlight in this article. Benefits of unilateral exercise: 1. Increase motor unit recruitment: There is more significant muscle firing during the unilateral exercise. […]

Injury Prevention: Can Monitoring and Managing Training Load Reduce Injury?

By Dr. John R. Mishock In organized sports from youth to pro there are approximately 4-6 million injuries each year. The majority of these injuries occur as sprains and strains of the upper and lower extremity. (Hopkinsmedicine.org) Many of these injuries are preventable with proper exercise training and load management of training/competition volume, which ultimately […]

Baseball Arm Throwing Injuries: A possible solution?

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC Overuse injuries in the shoulder and elbow are the most common problems in baseball players. Injuries of the shoulder account for 14-21%, whereas the elbow account for 16%-22% of all baseball-related injuries. (Agresta et al. Orthop. J Sports Med, 2019, Posner et al. Am J Sorts Med, […]

Sports Performance: Using Motor Imagery to Achieve Elite Level Status Part II

  By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC In sports, most high-level athletes (70-90%) and elite sports coaches (94%) report using motor imagery (mental or kinesthetic imagery) to enhance sports performance. (Ridderinkhof et al. J Physiol, 2015) There have been over 122 studies demonstrating the effectiveness of motor imagery in basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, […]

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