Category Archives: Brain training

Golf Sports Performance: The “Quiet Eye” to Improve Your Golf Game!

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC The ability to be a great golfer is multifaceted; however, it minimally takes countless hours (10,000 or more) of tedious, high-quality, perfect rehearsal to create great swing mechanics. Possibly, the most underrated aspect of golf mechanics is the eyes, which are the most important organ of sense. […]

Sports Performance: Using Motor imagery to Achieve Elite Level Status

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC Coaches, trainers, and athletes are often looking for the “next thing” that will allow them to reach the highest level of sports performance. One training technique to optimize sports performance is motor imagery, also known as mental imagery or visualization. Motor imagery is defined as the mental […]

Physical Therapy: Enhancing Movement in Sports through Brain Training

By Dr. John R. Mishock Physical therapists use various treatment techniques to help their patients improve pain, enhance function, and optimize the individual’s quality of life. Physical therapists are highly trained in helping their clients acquire and optimize functional movement skills. Whether it is to learn to walk or perform the highest level sports performance […]

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