Category Archives: Basketball

Sports Performance: Should I wear an ankle brace to prevent ankle injury?

Sports Performance: Should I wear an ankle brace to prevent ankle injury? By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC    Ankle sprains are one of the most common reasons to visit an emergency department. Ankle injuries are the most common injury sustained by basketball players accounting for 54% of all injuries. Seventy-six percent of these [...]

Sports performance: Is there a benefit to muscle damage during resistance exercise?

By Dr. John R. Mishock There is a belief that resistance exercises or weightlifting create muscle damage, leading to tightness and limiting function in sports such as baseball, basketball, golf, and others. Does resistance exercise damage muscle? Can the muscle damage be helpful? Resistance training exercise creates micro-damage to the muscle. This muscle damage is […]

Sports performance: Will weight training negatively impact my basketball shot?

By Dr. John R. Mishock Today’s elite-level basketball player needs high-level athleticism with elite-level skills in shooting, ball handling, and passing. When I was growing up, it was a common belief that lifting weights would make you too bulky and tight, negatively impacting your shooting form and accuracy. Some basketball coaches and trainers still hold […]

Sports Performance: Using Motor imagery to Achieve Elite Level Status

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC Coaches, trainers, and athletes are often looking for the “next thing” that will allow them to reach the highest level of sports performance. One training technique to optimize sports performance is motor imagery, also known as mental imagery or visualization. Motor imagery is defined as the mental […]

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