Tag Archives: pitching

Prevention Through Training

The Relationship Between Baseball Velocity, Spin Rate, and Injury Risk: Prevention Through Training By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC        Baseball has evolved into a game of velocity and spin rate, with pitchers and hitters alike striving for maximum performance. However, as velocity and spin rates increase, so does the risk of [...]

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard?

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard? By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC  In baseball, it is often said that the pitcher has a strong arm. However, this phrase is a misnomer. Research clearly shows that the arm musculature (hand, forearm, and arm) contributes only about 20-25% of throwing velocity. (Gretchen […]

Pre-Season/Winter Workout Throwing Program Guideline:

Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC 1. Dynamic warm up: Perform the dynamic warm-up prior to throwing. 2. Throw and holds: Hold baseball and go through throwing motion without releasing the ball (10 times). 3. Rest-recovery: After each set of throws, rest 60-90 sec. (Perform push-ups, front planks, side planks) 4. Phase progression: Progress […]

Baseball Arm Throwing Injuries: A possible solution?

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC Overuse injuries in the shoulder and elbow are the most common problems in baseball players. Injuries of the shoulder account for 14-21%, whereas the elbow account for 16%-22% of all baseball-related injuries. (Agresta et al. Orthop. J Sports Med, 2019, Posner et al. Am J Sorts Med, […]

Baseball Pitcher Injury: Fatigue, Learning to Recognize the Critical Signs!

John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC With the baseball season is in full swing, the Major League Baseball injury rate is reaching an unprecedented level. The throwing injury rate is also increasing in college, high school, and youth level baseball players. Most coaches look at pitch count guidelines to help reduce throwing overuse injuries. Limiting […]

Baseball Arm Throwing Injuries: A possible solution?

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC In my clinic, a 12-year-old boy and his parents present for a sports medicine consultation regarding his elbow pain. Following a 105 pitch outing, he felt significant sharp elbow pain. He stated the pain started about an inning before, but he was encouraged by his coach and […]

Growth-Plate Injuries of the Shoulder and Elbow in Baseball Players

By Dr. John R. Mishock Growth-plate injuries of the shoulder and elbow are common injuries in youth and adolescent baseball players. The growth-plate (epiphyseal plate or physis) is an area of cartilage at the end of a bone that is responsible for the bones growth. The growth plates close at the completion of bone growth […]

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