Tag Archives: MIshock PT

Growth-Plate Injuries of the Shoulder and Elbow in Baseball and Softball Players

Growth-Plate Injuries of the Shoulder and Elbow in Baseball and Softball Players   By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC  Are Growth-plate injuries common in youth and adolescent baseball and softball players? Growth-plate shoulder and elbow injuries are common in youth and adolescent baseball and softball players.  The growth plate (epiphyseal plate or physis) is [...]

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard?

Baseball Pitching: What Causes a Baseball Pitcher to Throw Hard? By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC  In baseball, it is often said that the pitcher has a strong arm. However, this phrase is a misnomer. Research clearly shows that the arm musculature (hand, forearm, and arm) contributes only about 20-25% of throwing velocity. (Gretchen […]

Knee ACL Injuries: Can we prevent them in our athletes? Part 1

Knee ACL injuries: Can we prevent them in our athletes? Part 1 By Dr. John Mishock, PT, DPT, DC    Knee injuries account for up to 40% of all sports injuries, commonly occurring in soccer, basketball, lacrosse, skiing, football, and gymnastics (Nessier et al. 2017). Knee injuries are the most common cause of surgery in [...]

Physical Therapy and Osteoarthritis

Exercise is as good as NSAIDs in relieving pain from Osteoarthritis! By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC     Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint disease and the leading cause of pain in older people. OA often begins by age 40 and can worsen as we age with twenty-four percent [...]
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