Category Archives: Baseball

Sports performance: Is there a benefit to muscle damage during resistance exercise?

By Dr. John R. Mishock There is a belief that resistance exercises or weightlifting create muscle damage, leading to tightness and limiting function in sports such as baseball, basketball, golf, and others. Does resistance exercise damage muscle? Can the muscle damage be helpful? Resistance training exercise creates micro-damage to the muscle. This muscle damage is […]

Baseball Arm Throwing Injuries: A possible solution?

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC Overuse injuries in the shoulder and elbow are the most common problems in baseball players. Injuries of the shoulder account for 14-21%, whereas the elbow account for 16%-22% of all baseball-related injuries. (Agresta et al. Orthop. J Sports Med, 2019, Posner et al. Am J Sorts Med, […]

Injury Prevention and Durability: The Significance of the “Core”

By Dr. John R. Mishock, PT, DPT, DC In the US, 30 million children and teens participate in organized sports with more than 4 million injuries each year. The majority of these injuries occur as sprains and strains of the upper and lower extremity. ( Many of these injuries are preventable with proper exercise training, […]

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